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They say the strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire. The Shen Family had witnessed and experienced much of the troubled eras in the modern history. From The Opium Wars (1840s), to the Boxer Rebellions (1860s), Siege of Beijing (1900), World War One, World War Two, Great Leap Forward (1950s) and the Cultural Revolution (1960s).  After over a century of adversities and persecution we are still standing strong uplifting those noble values that had been passed down to us from Our Lord.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."



Y.F Shen 沈仰放

Y.F Shen (1885 - 1971) Born into a Traditional Chinese family of scholars and public servants. He served in multiple functions throughout the turbulent times. Click the button below to learn more.

沈仰放(1885-1971),原名曾蔭,室名養性軒。 安徽石埭人。 清末北京實業專門學校畢業。 曾任京師大學堂監學、北京大學學監、財政部會計司主事、平漢鐵路局事務科長、鐵道部專員等. 了解更多請點擊下方


​沈承書 C.S. Shen

沈承書 (1915-2007)祖籍安徽石台,出生於北京一個世代讀書人的官宦家庭,父親曾擔任過清廷法部舉敘司主事,北京大學學監。從小起就在父親但的安排下學習國畫。從小學開始學畫,曾拜汪慎生為師,13歲起每週日到故宮臨摹古畫。 15歲考入美國天主教北平四存中學,並加入北平中華書畫研究會,與啟功同拜溥儒,吳鏡汀為師學工筆山水國畫,並於同年參加研究院舉辦的畫展。 1934年,考上美國教會在青島辦的山東大學。抗戰爆發後,他深感中國工業落後,決心走工業救國的路,跟隨浙江大學西遷,1941年畢業於西遷路上的浙大機械系。畢業後到偏遠落後的甘肅玉門參與了國產鑽探石油重型設備的設計生產。抗戰勝利後,先後在天津,瀋陽的機器廠工作。北京和平解放後參與籌建重工業部工作。五十年代初期,他考察山西工廠,應太原市長岳維藩邀請,主動前往落後蕭條的山西工作,同時參與長春第一汽車廠,福拉爾基重機廠設計工作。

Holiday Destination

Jay Shen 沈致襄

生于抗战胜利后,小名利生。1951年进入北京史家胡同小学,1963年考入北京工业学院。文革被打成反革命发配东北穷山沟当苦力修水电站,1980年才拿到毕业证,所以从不敢以北理工校友自居。1978年从ABC开始自学英语,1986年考上国家公派赴美国访问学者,1987年赴美,一年后转为访问教授讲授MBA课程,写了一篇论文就入选美国管理学会(The Academy of Management)1989年年会论文,创造了中国人单独署名论文入选年会记录,三十五年无人能破。1994年获美国MBA学位,然而发现自己性格三观不适合在商界发展,转而为亚裔社区服务,改行双语自由撰稿人记者,采访了两位美国联邦参议员,副州长。在州长办公室采访州长Jesse Ventura ,并以记者身份参加他的访华代表团。做学问如玩儿票,听见满堂彩就收手,换一行从头来。乃父评价说,利生做学问就和小孩堆积木一样,好容易造起一座楼,就推到从头来。学英语考上公派出国,写英文论文入选年会,写中文小说获一千美元网络文学奖,当记者采访州长,行行都玩儿出彩。平时我行我素,不跟时代,随大流,出走半生,归来依旧少年。

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Allen Shen

The Youngest generation of the Shen Family 

Moved to the US at an early age, but still able to carry on the family's noble tradition. 

Allen had dedicated his life in serving his community and his country, and became a fighter for Freedom. 

Carrying his traditional family values of Loyalty, Nobility and Patriotism. The Shen family had produced generations of noble men who served causes greater than themselves and had put their country's welfare before their own. 

Yes, for Allen Shen, Patriotism is in his Blood

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