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Allen's Recognitions 

Currently Allen Shen is still serving on the Alumni Society Board at University of Minnesota as the Chair of the International Relations Committee. His work was to recognize those outstanding alumni from the University of Minnesota who are doing great things in the world outside of the United States. Besides University of Minnesota, Allen also spent time to serve his community on the board of AMA (American Marketing Association), Big Brother Big Sister, Feed My Starving Children and AARM. 

Below are some of his outstanding recognitions  by his peers in his community. 

Commencement Speech

Demonstrated by his leadership skills and commitment to excellency, Allen was named the  Commencement Speaker at this graduation in 2011 at the University of Minnesota. Recognized by his peers and school faculties. 

You can watch his entire speech on the Media Center page. 

Allen Shen Commencement Speech
Allen Shen Commencement

Rising Alumni

In 2014,  Allen was nominated and recognized as one of the University of Minnesota's top rising alumni. Allen was given this recognition based on his exceptional achievement in international business leadership and the impact he created for the University of Minnesota global community in Shanghai, China.  

Allen Shen Rising Alumni

The University of Minnesota recognizes Allen's many achievements, named him the Chair of International Relations Committee for the Alumni Society Board; a judge for the graduation competition and the Carlson School annal Marketing Competition; panelist for students' workshops and more.  

Allen Shen CEHD

Minnesota Governor 

Allen's initiatives on campus and as well as in the business world had gained some traction in the Twin Cities.  Upon graduation, he received an honorable recognition from then Governor of Minnesota, Mark Dayton

Letter from Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton

Background and Disclaimer (for the image below)

At that time,  Chinese policies were still shadowed by the Tian-An-Men Square Massacre, The Chinese government tried to prevent people from leaving China to spread that information to the west. Hence the Chinese government refused to issue a passport to me to let me leave China and visit my parents in the US. Their intention was to keep me in China and put pressures on my parents to return to China. 

It wasn't until the US Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a request to the Chinese Government for my release, I was then able to leave China. 

I am making a claim hereof, that I am sharing the image below not in support of the Globalist Agendas Mr. Kissinger had been pushing for but the highest respect I have for the office he had held. I also have the deepest appreciation toward Mr. Henry Kissinger for getting me out of China and leave that authoritarian country.  John Whitehead was the Deputy Secretary of State under President Reagan, my full name is Allen Yannan Shen, therefore my Chinese name is Shen Yannan. 

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